Self-Service Portal
Our portal is designed for your airport's entire population. Guided step-by-step workflows ensure accurate and timely material submission from badge applicants. Capture identification document images prior to in-person appointments. Use eSign Act-compliant digital signatures from both applicants and signatories. AirBadge offers self-service functionality, with dedicated portals for Trusted Agents, Signatories, Badge Holders, and Applicants.
Paperless Badge Office
Self-Service Portal
Appointment Scheduling
DAC, Training, PACS Integrations
Signatory & Company Management
Kiosk Mode
Secure Messaging + SMS
Badge Audits
Comprehensive Reporting
Violations Tracking
How Can We Help?
Badge Applications are just the beginning. Schedule a demo to learn about how AirBadge can improve every aspect of your airport’s badge office operations.